The Garden

The vibrancy makes the world around us stand out.
Travel through time only to collect rust.
The sound that will never be forgotten.
Once was new, is now antique.
Sometimes you have to read between the lines.
The houses for the small ones.
Even small trees still stand tall.
The final resting place for something once in motion.
A bestfriend isn’t always human. They come and go and impact your lives.
A sibling will stand against the world with you.
She may be small, but she is still noticed.
It is never goodbye, it is only see you later. I miss you!
To be small in this world, is to take advantage of the small things in life.

1 thought on “The Garden

  1. Lynda Whipple says:

    These pictures touched my heart. Especially “A bestfriend isn’t always human.” Star will forever be My Baby Girl. I have been blessed with such beautiful Farmland that holds many things with stories untold. Through your eyes they have now been heard. ❤


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